


发布日期:2014-05-15 浏览:

在内燃机引擎装配过程中, 轴瓦被自动压入轴承盖用于连接驱动主轴。瑞典一家汽车制造厂商采用米铱公司光幕千分尺,确认轴瓦是否被正确安装到位,之后才会与联动总成进行连接。

During the assembly of combustion engines, the bearing shells are automatically pressed into the bearing cap for the connecting rod assembly on the drive shaft.The task of the optical micrometre optoCONTROL 1202 for Volvo in Sweden is to check whether the bearing shells are actually present in the bearing cap before assembling the connecting rod.

The  bearing  caps  are  transported  on  a  workpiece  carrier  directly  under  the  light  band  of  the  sensor.  A  robot picks up the bearing cap and lifts it into position so that the  light  band  measures  at  a  distance  of  approx.  3mm to the bottom edge of the bearing cap. The transmitter and  receiver  of  the  optoCONTROL  are  mounted  with  a

distance of 1300mm between them. The optoCONTROL 1202-100 with a light band width of 100mm is used. The emitted light band is partially covered by the bearing cap. The size of the part is measured based on the amount of light arriving. The robot lifts the bearing caps into the light band one after the other. There can be up to six bearing caps on a workpiece carrier. Due to the high depth of field of the optoCONTROL 1202, it does not matter what distance the bearing cap is from the receiver. The bearing shells have a thickness of approx. 1.5mm. This means the measured diameter is 3mm too large if no bearing shell is present and the bearing cap is rejected. If the bearing cap is recognised as OK, the robot transports it for further assembly.


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