


发布日期:2014-12-25 浏览:


在制药工业中,由于药片的成分不同,会导致其颜色发生变化。改变药片成分的浓度也会影响药片的颜色。药片的颜色变化可以从白色到米黄色,再到黄色。德国米铱公司colorCONTROL ACS7000系列在线颜色检测系统,采用30°摆放的探头,即使最轻微的颜色变化也可以得到识别,尤其对位于白色和米黄色之间的细小色差变化极为精准。这些颜色信息可以直接提供所生产的药片成分和质量。colorCONTROL ACS7000在线颜色检测系统可以在2kHz的频率下提供?E=0.08的精度水平。

In pharmaceutical tablet production different ingredients are used. Changing the concentration of these ingredients affects the color of the tablet. The color gradient varies from white and beige to yellow. The colorCONTROL ACS7000 online color measurement system with a 30° sensor head accurately measures the slightest color difference, particularly those finely-graded color shades between white and beige. This color information provides a statement about the quality of the ingredient composition in the tablet produced. The colorCONTROL ACS7000 online color measurement provides a measurement accuracy of ?E=0.08 at a measurement frequency of 2kHz.

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