
  • 透明物体的检测-optoCONTROL


    透明物体的测量optoCONTROL 2600 产品系列采用LED光源,可实现很高的测量精度。通过被测物体边缘识别功能,使产品适用于对极薄以及透明材质物体进行测量,例如玻璃瓶、玻璃棒或玻璃管。 [详细]
  • 热钢板尺寸检测-opto BL

    热钢板尺寸检测-opto BL

    optoNCDT 2300 BL 系列配备了蓝色半导体激光,适用于对炙热的金属表面及组织结构复杂材料的测量。在很多应用中,蓝色激光传感器都优于普通红色激光传感器。蓝色激光与红色激光相比其波长相对较短,因此测量光只会照射在被测物体表面上,而不会进入到被测物体内。此外,蓝色激光传感器的测量光斑直径更小,测量精度高,测量稳定性好。蓝色激光传感器内部配有高精密的光学透镜,智能激光控制器以及全新的数据分析模块。 详情请点击下载[详细]
  • 不锈钢管材检测-confocal


    在诸如汽车催化器的应用当中,不锈钢管材的内径,最小外切和最大内切圆都必须得到精确控制。催化器中的套筒部位,可能是光洁表面,亚光面或带有涂层的表面,形状也可能是圆形或者椭圆形。尺寸精准对于将来催化器的工作至关重要。只需要准确安装被测物体,其他测量步骤都由计算机自主完成。In order to manufacture catalytic converters for cars, the diameter, minimum circumscribed circle, and maximum inscribed circle must be determined very precisely. The sleeve of the catalyst consists of either a gloss, matte or painted stainless steel tube, which can[详细]
  • 智能卡片内嵌芯片高度测量-2D/3D


    目前越来越多智能卡片采用芯片方式替代磁条,记录大量数据信息。采用德国米铱公司提供的2D3D激光轮廓仪,可以测量芯片相对于卡片平面的高度信息。具体特点如下:- 用于快速现场检验- 测量芯片相对高度- 强反光表面- 复杂的卡片表面颜色[详细]
  • 管道内壁直径测量-capa


    工业应用当中,管道在全长度范围内,内壁的质量和磨损直接影响其内径。为此,需要高精度,快速和可靠性高的测量数据评估管道内壁质量。例如,化学工业当中使用的管道,在使用的过程中进行磨损测量。需要将生产环节暂停下来,两套相互垂直90°的电容传感器,一次性将管道内壁测量完毕。An important criterion for the quality or the wear of tubes in industrial applications is the dimensional conformance of the internal diameter over the complete length. Where high demands are made on accuracy, a quick and reliable recording of the data must be ensure[详细]
  • 梳棉机轮鼓和盖板间隙控制-capa


    纤维的梳棉质量很大程度上取决于梳棉机轮鼓与盖板之间的间隙。调查发现,手动调整不能完全保证梳棉机左右两侧间距一致。为此,采用两到三支电容传感器安装在盖板上,测量到轮鼓的距离。该全自动化测量系统可以减少错误设置以及减少安装时间。The setting of the distance between the drum and the flat is crucial for carding quality of fibre, e.g.wool. Investigations have shown that manual gap settings with the gauge to the left and right on the carding machine are not equal and that with the machine at standstill slight deviati[详细]
  • 铝铸件的弯曲度和表面光滑度检测-eddy


    铝制铸件铸造成型以后,进入下一个精加工环节之前,需要手工矫形并判断是否为不合格件。该操作会发生在比较严酷的环境当中(铸造车间)。传统的做法是采用接触式探头,缺点是探头易磨损并需要定期更换。为了解决这个问题,需要采用非接触,无磨损的电涡流测量系统。After AL covers have been cast and prior to milling of the sealing surface the covers must be manually straightened and sorted into OK/NOK. This operation takes place in a rough environment (casting bay). The measuring technique that was used earlier (probes) are subject to a [详细]
  • 电解精炼中金属带定位测量-eddy


    电解精炼过程中,为了减少能源消耗,需要尽量缩小金属带和电极之间的距离,这需要非常精确的金属带定位。金属带进入电解槽之前,需通过装有9个电涡流传感器的定位量杆。驱动器根据金属带的几何形状变化调整电极位置,或者当超出限定范围时,倒回到初始位置。In the electrolytic refinement of thin sheets electrical losses are minimised by a small distance between strip and anode. This requires exact strip guidance.Before the strip enters the coating tank it is guided and measured between two measuring bars with nine eddy-current senso[详细]
  • 轴承润滑油层间隙测量-eddy


    滑动轴承的润滑油间隙受诸多因素影响,如温度,转速,角度和负载等。这些因素对间隙的影响只能在运行状态下测量。因此检测润滑油间隙或轴移动量的测量系统必须满足如下条件:温度稳定性,抗压,抗油等The lubricating gap of a plain bearing is influenced by several factors such as temperature, speed, angle,load etc. This influence can only be measured under operating conditions. Therefore a measuring system which detects the gap size or the shaft displacement is subject to strict requirements: Temperatur[详细]
  • 食品罐头盖密封质量检测-opto


    当食品注入罐头内并密封以后,罐头会进入下一个加工环节。在此之前,需要检测罐头盖的密封质量,剔除有漏点或密封厚度不达标的罐头。本案例采用激光三角反射式位移传感器进行对密封盖表面的质量检测。After injection of the sealing compound inthe covering lid, curing takes place in the tunnel furnace. Here, fault pointsand faulty thicknesses of compound must be acquired and faulty lids must be sortedout in the production process. A laser-based optical displacement measurementsystem samples the compound [详细]
  • 生产线上材料厚度的在线检测-opto


    自动化生产当中,为了避免破坏后续加工设备,需要实时监测传送带上的材料厚度,避免叠层材料进入加工设备。两支传感器在被传送材料上下两侧相对安装。材料的厚度可以通过叠加两支传感器所测量到的位置值得来。To prevent damage, laser-based optical displacementsensors are employed in front of the inlet for profiled sheets in presses toenable the detection of double sheets. The sensors are mounted opposite oneanother, above and below the passing sheets. Irrespective of the actualposition of the sheets, the ma[详细]

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