


发布日期:2014-04-24 浏览:

用于家用电器和通讯器材等行业的高级平板显示器对所用薄玻璃的平整度有很高要求。在玻璃基板的生产过程中采用实时监测对质量控制至关重要。本案例展现了采用精度达到5 μm的激光三角反射式位移传感器的平板玻璃监测系统。

 Thinnest glass of outstanding flatness isrequired for the production of displays for telecommunications equipment.During glass production measuring and monitoring of the flatness is a decisivefactor for quality inspection. On a high-precision hard rock table in themeasuring room samples of these thinnest glass plates are measured bylaser-optical triangulation sensors with an accuracy of 5 μm.


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